Off the Walkthrough!

*Disclaimer - These portraits are purposely in a different style than the comic.
It is intended to be a tribute to the character art that looks nothing like the actual sprites in the games.*



age: 15
class: hero
weapon: legendary sword

He tripped over a magic sword in his yard one day, and it told him to save the world. Being an average, sensible 15 year-old, he of course set out immediately. The fact that he has no idea what he's doing is immaterial.

First apperance


age: 17
class: white mage
weapon: none

She is a student of white magic, and studies very hard in the hopes of one day becoming a legendary white mage. Since all the greatest white mages have gained extraordinary power while on quests, Sarah happily follows Elliot on his quest in hopes of doing the same.

First appearance


age: 18
class: guard
weapon: ax

He is one of Sarah's good friends, and doesn't mind taking a break from everyday routine to help her out. He is also quite curious to find out for himself why all his guard buddies say legendary quests are the greatest windfalls ever.

First appearance


age: she looks about 20
class: uh . . . dumb blond?
weapon: blue magic, apparently

Aside from the fact that she likes sculking around in bushes, the heroes don't really know anything about Gerkie. Except that she seems to like following them. And flowers. And she can cast massively powerful magic, if she happens to feel like it. And she must speak a different language or something, because they sure can't undestand a word she says.

Kudos to my little brother for coming up with such an awesome name.

Also, I drew a picture for her -- now where did I put it . . . ? I'd probably be better off just drawing a new one. :P

First appearance



age: ???
class: bad guy
weapon: serious magic

He is not a demon bunny insect, despite what Elliot says. And he needs a new profile picture now.

But seriously -- he's reassembling the Shattered Staff of Doom, and he's well on his way to ruling all of the known world. And he's waaaaay above Elliot and Co's level, so they had better do some training if they want to even have a chance!

Other Characters

The Old Summoner

The Old Summoner in Peachville
age: 70 or so
class: summoner
weapon: none

She's too old to go questing, but she did give our heros some helpful directions anyway. Her youngest daughter just eloped and she's not too happy about that. She has a total of 3 daughters, 1 son, and 5 grandchildren, all of which are summoners.

First appearance


age: 75
class: white mage
weapon: none

Even though he's a white mage, he seems to have done research in many other magical fields so that he knows how to fix a broken quest and walkthrough. He safeguards one of the pieces of the legendary Shattered Staff of Doom.

First appearance


age: 18
class: white mage
weapon: none

Bland appearance, bland personality: he is the ideal white mage. He was supposed to be a main party member, but something went wrong. He and Sarah have a bit of a history.

First appearance


age: 15
class: summoner
weapon: none

A sarcasm-spewing, cynical teenager with a heart of pure gold. She's the same age as the hero, which means she's supposed to be his romantic interest. Oh, whoops -- she didn't join their party. Too bad!

First appearance


age: 16
class: bard (the competent kind)
weapon: voice

With just a few notes, she could have you asleep, confused, or her slave for life. Not to be underestimated. She's presently on a quest in the company of Jordan and the Invisible Knight.

First appearance

The Invisible Knight

The Invisible Knight
age: ?
class: paladin (probably?)
weapon: ?

Um . . . well, he's invisible. Elliott and company aren't entirely sure if he's real or not.

First appearance (?)

The Invisible Knight

age: 18 or so
class: freelance redistributor of unsupervised property
weapon: sneakiness

Abner is a reformed kleptomaniac who now uses his talents only for good (mostly) and the benefit of his comrades (if he remembers). He is determined to make his way in the world as a respectable thief, and he would love to join our questers, if only Sarah would let him.

He needs a profile picture, too.

First appearance


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